Seven Virtues
Our Seven Virtues are the manner in which all members of Phoenix are to present themselves in the Nexus Kingdom every day.
Each member of Phoenix had to show they represented these 7 virtues in order to be accepted into the Phoenix family.
Principled uprightness of character. A code of integrity, dignity, and pride. All members of Phoenix pledge to bring HONOR to Phoenix, their brothers , sisters, Buya, and Princess Lasahn.
An act or a course of action that is required of one by position, social custom, law, or religion. We ask that all Kindred show their DUTY to Phoenix and Buya by being active within the Clan.
Able to make moral or rational decisions on one's own and therefore answerable for one's behavior. Able to be trusted, depended upon, and reliable. Being Phoenix Kindred brings some RESPONSIBILITY. We ask that you take an active role in the clan by participating in events, clan hunts and making time contributions towards tribute. Actions Speak Louder than Words.
The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery. COURAGE is not the strongest man or woman in the battle, but the one with the biggest heart who is willing to sacrifice all to help others. We ask that you show your COURAGE by defending the honor of Phoenix and Princess Lasahn. You can also show courage by helping others in the clan members in their time of need.
An act of civility or respect; an act of kindness or favor performed with politeness. All Phoenix Kindred are asked to treat others in the same manner at which they would want to be treated, not only with other Kindred but to all people in the kingdoms. Those shown to be discourteous will go through disciplinary action.
The trait of being willing to give your money or time to help others. In order to keep our clan active within the community, Phoenix is required to make monthly tributes to Princess Lasahn. We do not require tribute from our members, however we hope that you can show generosity by contributing to the clan. Ways you can show GENEROSITY is through donations to the clan, helping other clan member in their time of needs, giving of your time to others and creating events to support Phoenix and the kingdom.
A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect. We ask all Kindred to show PRIDE in Phoenix, its Kindred, and the community. You are the representatives of Phoenix to all Kingdoms. To show your PRIDE, we've made available the Phoenix Helm/Helmet available for all Kindred. These helms and helmets are bonded and non-repairable to prevent non-members from wearing armor forged from the sweat of our forefathers.